Import Canvas Course Content 

If you have a course in Canvas and would like to import some or all of the content from a previous course then you can use these instructions to import the content, rather than create it from scratch.

1.) Log into Canvas and navigate to the course that you wish to import content to.

2.) At the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu within that course, choose "Settings" 

3.) To the right side of the Setting page, you will see several options. Choose the "Import Course Content" option, as shown in the image below.

4.) On the "Import Content" page, choose the "Copy a Canvas Course" option from the drop-down menu.

5.) From the "Search for a course" drop-down, select the course that you want to import content FROM. (These can be old or current term's courses)

6.) If you select "All Content" at this point then it will pull pretty much everything from the selected course and populate the course you are inside of with that content. 

If you choose "Select specific content" then you will be able to choose more specifically what you want to import. 

Choose whatever works best for you.

7.) If you check-mark the "Adjust events and due dates" checkbox, it should attempt to adjust the due dates on things so that they fit within the date range that the current course is in session for. *Using this may mitigate grade sync errors related to assignment dates not being in the right range*

8.) Click the "Import" button

9.) You will notice that under the "Current Jobs" on the same page, the new import you have just started will be "Queued." You can now leave the course and when you come back to it, it will be populated with the content you have just imported.

Please note that it may take awhile before the import is complete. Try to be patient until it is completely finished.

If you still encounter any issues after following these steps, please let us know by putting in a ticket.