Upload Files to Google Drive
Google Tip: Google Drive works best when used with the Google Chrome browser. Some features may not be available or work properly if they are used in another browser.
1.) Open up your Drive in a Google Chrome browser. (You can access it by typing drive.google.com into your URL bar.)
Note- There are several ways to upload a file or folder to Drive. Two of those methods are listed below.
Method 1- The "New" Button (best suited for one or two files/folders at a time)
2.) Click the "New" button in the top left corner of your Drive.
3.) Select either "File upload" or "Folder upload" from the menu, depending on your needs.
4.) In the explorer window that pops up, find the file or folder you want to upload to Google Drive and click "Open".
Method 2- "Drag and Drop" (best suited to large quantities of files/folders and ease of use)
2.) While leaving the Google Drive browser window open, locate the files or folders you want to upload from your computer.
3.) Highlight all of the files and folders you want to upload and then drag them into any part of the blank space in the middle of your Google Drive window.
4.) Your files/folders will automatically begin to upload with no further interaction needed from you.
5.) A window will pop up in the bottom right corner letting you know when it has been successfully uploaded. Be sure to leave your browser open with Google Drive until the upload is complete.
If you still encounter any issues after following these steps, please let us know by putting in a ticket.